p r o j e c t
Domestic microcosm is a scenario of life and growth but possibly of human rights violation. Physical and psychological violence against women in the family is a burning issue, despite changes in women's social status.
Today like yesterday, Brides fight against the same spectra and this shows that even changing the signifier, the meaning does not change.
Photographer Ramona Vada lingers upon the inner troubles of women wich are crushed by family gears and, adopting a vaguely glamourly taste, focuses her camera on issues and agreements related to the figure of the bride, as well as the marriage, its traditions and contradictions. Sarcastically and carefully playing on the calibration of her shots, she wraps up a bouquet of bittersweet and ironic images where the symbols of femininity, motherhood, the long standing relationship between man and woman burst obvious and unequivocal.
Exploding Bride is a series of thoughts, in the shape of images, about the distress of women at home.
This is not a campaign against a system, such as the marriage as an institution, or against imposed social or religious models. Rather, it is a project that aims its strength on awareness.
Women’s awareness in the roles of mother, wife, companion, lover and men’s awareness as father-husband-partner.
Hence the research expands through considerations about the family’s condition today, in a consumerist society that tends to reverse the order of values contributing to the loss of stable cultural reference points.
The project has been created by Ramona Vada.
She says "this work is born spontaneously, in response to women’s stories showing problematic family situations. I’ve reacted drawing pictures to illustrate the reasons for the somehow uncomfortable condition and to develop critical thinking toward a so golden as misunderstood hemisphere. The survey's key elements are dialogue and the juxtaposition of women from all social backgrounds."
Besides the photographs, the project "Exploiting Bride" aims to achieve more substantial results by using photography in therapeutic activities. Using the sunstantial cathartic powers belonging to the creative process, the camera becomes a means to work through, express and externalize pain.
The study and production of the project's photographic images has required 6 months of work. The product consists of a dozen pics displaying a sequential series of aspects related to the discomfort women may experience at home.
In order to put emphasis to the emotional component, in every single picture a lot of attention is given to the aesthetic dimension which is basic and primary interface with the pictures’ users.
The photographs are accompanied by a video showing, in quick succession, a number of pictures, as well as by a photographic installation that requires the presence of a female shape wearing photos of the project.
- Cuneo, November 2008
under the Patronage of Women Phone Cuneo
- Verona, December 2008- February 2009,
Small Places Tour for Amnesty International
- Pinerolo -Torino,
March 2009,
Presentation at Women's Day
- Roma, July 2009,
Red Eyes Festival, Forte Prenestino,
- Berlin, October-November 2009,Photoshop Gallery
- Torino, December 2009, Bagni Pubblici
Photo & Texts ©Ramona Vada 2010